Hydrogen-Bonded Aromatic Pentamers
as Modularly Tunable Macrocyclic Receptors for Selective Recognition
of Metal Ions
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the tremendous progress that has been made in macrocyclic
chemistry since the discovery of corands, cryptands, and spherands
more than four decades ago, macrocyclic systems possessing a high
level of controllability in structural configuration concurrent with
a systematic tunability in function are still very rare. Employing
an inner design strategy to orient H-bonding forces toward a macrocyclic
cavity interior while convergently aligning exchangeable ion-binding
building blocks that dictate a near-identical backbone curvature,
we demonstrate here a novel pentagonal framework that not only enables
its variable interior cavity to be maintained at near-planarity but
also allows its ion-binding potential to be highly tunable. The H-bonded
macrocyclic pentamers thus produced have allowed a systematic and
combinatorial evolution of ion-selective pentamers for preferential
recognition of Cs<sup>+</sup>, K<sup>+</sup>, or Ag<sup>+</sup> ions