<p><b>(A)</b> Southern blotting for analysis of ET cassette copy number in line pTME12. The genomic DNA was extracted from F2 embryos and digested with <i>Pst</i>I and <i>Bgl</i>II. <b>(B and C)</b> Analysis of an ET cassette in line pTME12. Genomic DNA from F2 embryos was prepared as a template for PCR analysis using primers indicated in (D). <b>(D)</b> The sketch of ET cassette location in zebrafish genome. The insertion is located about 46 kb downstream of <i>rhcga</i> and about 45 kb downstream of <i>kif7</i>. Arrows on top of <i>rhcga</i> or under <i>kif7</i> indicate transcriptional direction of these genes. The positions of primers used for molecular analysis are showed in the diagram.</p