
<p>Bone marrow and blood were stained with antibodies against CD141, lineage (CD3, CD19, CD56, CD138, CD15, CD34, and CD235a), CD45, HLADR, CD303, CD1c, and CD11c. The gating strategy is shown in Fig D in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0139867#pone.0139867.s002" target="_blank">S2 File</a>). Three DC populations were analysed; CD141<sup>+</sup> (CD141<sup>+</sup>DC) (panels A-C), CD141<sup>-</sup> (CD141<sup>-</sup>DC) (panels D-F), and CD303<sup>+</sup>DC (pDC) (panels G-I). PDL1 staining on one representative patient (panels A, D, G). Fluorescence minus one (FMO), (dotted line), was used as negative control and the percentage indicates PDL1<sup>+</sup> cells of the gated DC population. Panels B, E, and H show percentage of PDL1<sup>+</sup> cells within the (B) CD141<sup>+</sup> DC, (E) CD141<sup>-</sup> DC and (H) CD303<sup>+</sup> pDC populations in the bone marrow (n = 19), blood (n = 8) from patients, or blood from age matched (median age 61) healthy controls (n = 9). (median age of patients 61). Statistical analysis was performed with Mann Whitney Test. Panels C, F, and I show concomitant expression levels on bone marrow DC subtypes and plasma cells in individual patients. Each dot represents one patient. P values were calculated from Spearman’s tests.</p

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