Additional file 3: Figure S1. of Comprehensive circular RNA profiling reveals that circular RNA100783 is involved in chronic CD28-associated CD8(+)T cell ageing


Top-5 circRNA-miRNA networks using miRNAs with the 5 highest degrees. Figure S2. Distributions of miRNAs of Top10% Degrees in the Top-5 networks. Figure S3. Re-enriched networks using up-regulated miRNAs (left) and down-regulated miRNAs(right) of Top-10% highest Degree in the original Top-5 network. Figure S4. Distributions of Degree of the miRNAs in the re-enriched Top-10%-mi network. Figure S5. Distribution of Degree of the circRNAs in the re-enriched Top10%-ci network. Figure S6A. Venn’s diagram for optimized circRNA candidates between four groups. Figure S7. The screenshot of the online annotation for the targeted genes in the circRNA100783-targeted miRNA-gene network determined by DAVID annotation. (DOCX 1500 kb

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