Ensemble Based on Bispyrene Fluorophore and Surfactant Assemblies:
Sensing and Discriminating Proteins in Aqueous Solution
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A particular
bispyrene fluorophore (<b>1</b>) with two pyrene moieties covalently
linked via a hydrophilic spacer was synthesized. Fluorescence measurements
reveal that the fluorescence emission of <b>1</b> could be well
modulated by a cationic surfactant, dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide
(DTAB). Protein sensing studies illustrate that the selected ensemble
based on <b>1</b>/DTAB assemblies exhibits ratiometric responses
to nonmetalloproteins and turn-off responses to metalloproteins, which
can be used to differentiate the two types of proteins. Moreover,
negatively charged nonmetalloproteins can be discriminated from the
positively charged ones according to the difference in ratiometric
responses. Fluorescence sensing studies with control bispyrenes indicate
that the polarity of the spacer connecting two pyrene moieties plays
an important role in locating bispyrene fluorophore in DTAB assemblies,
which further influences its sensing behaviors to noncovalent interacting
proteins. This study sheds light on the influence of the probe structure
on the sensing performance of a fluorescent ensemble based on probe
and surfactant assemblies