Comparison of primary care assessment scores among migrants accessing primary care in four types of medical institutions.
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<p>Note: THC = Township health center; RHS = Rural health station; CHC = Community health center; CHS = Community health station.</p><p>Only 60 migrants reported having an experience of referral, the total scores were calculated by summing the mean scores for 9 domains except the Coordination (Referrals) domain.</p><p>ANOVA carried out for unadjusted domain scores and ANCOVA carried out for adjusted domain scores, which were adjusted for age, gender, marital status, level of education, employment status, monthly household income per capita, permanent migration intention, migration with family, times of migration, years of residence in Guangzhou, self-rated health status, chronic disease status, present of health insurance and source of health payment.</p><p>Bonferroni t-test had P<0.008:</p><p><sup>a</sup> THC/RHS vs. CHC/CHS</p><p><sup>b</sup> THC/RHS vs. MH</p><p><sup>c</sup> THC/RHS vs. TH</p><p><sup>d</sup> CHC/CHS vs. MH</p><p><sup>e</sup> CHC/CHS vs. TH</p><p><sup>f</sup> MH vs.TH</p><p>Comparison of primary care assessment scores among migrants accessing primary care in four types of medical institutions.</p