Vine Copula-Based Dependence Description for Multivariate
Multimode Process Monitoring
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A novel vine copula-based dependence
description (VCDD) process
monitoring approach is proposed. The main contribution is to extract
the complex dependence among process variables rather than perform
dimensionality reduction or other decoupling processes. For a multimode
chemical process, the C-vine copula model of each mode is initially
created, in which a multivariate optimization problem is simplified
as coping with a series of bivariate copulas listed in a sparse matrix.
To measure the distance of the process data from each non-Gaussian
mode, a generalized local probability (GLP) index is defined. Consequently,
the generalized Bayesian inference-based probability (GBIP) index
under a given control limit can be further calculated in real time
via searching the density quantile table created offline. The validity
and effectiveness of the proposed approach are illustrated using a
numerical example and the Tennessee Eastman benchmark process. The
results show that the proposed VCDD approach achieves good performance
in both monitoring results and computation load