The coding and scoring for the characters in this study.
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<p><sup>a)</sup>. The five states are [<a href="" target="_blank">46</a>]:</p><p><b>Lanceolate</b>: Lance-shaped; 4–5 times longer than wide; widest point between base and middle.</p><p><b>Broad triangle</b>: Triangle-shaped; <1 times longer than wide; widest point at base.</p><p><b>Narrow triangle</b>: Triangle-shaped; 1–2 times longer than wide; widest point at base.</p><p><b>Linear</b>: long and narrow; >5 times longer than wide; with more or less parallel sides.</p><p><b>Oblong</b>: oval with parallel sides for much of its length; 2–4 times longer than broad.</p><p><b>Ovate</b>: Egg-shaped in outline, 1–2 times longer than wide, widest point between base and middle.</p><p><sup>b)</sup>. <b>Semi triplinerved</b> means three-nerved, with the one lateral nerves arising from the mid-nerve above the base [<a href="" target="_blank">47</a>].</p><p>The coding and scoring for the characters in this study.</p