Neighbor-joining tree of candidate OBP genes from <i>G</i>. <i>molesta</i> and other Lepidoptera.
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<p>The tree was drawn using Adobe Photoshop CS5, based on the unrooted tree constructed using BioNJ algorithm in Seaview v.4. The unrooted tree was constructed based on the sequence alignment obtained using MAFFT version 6. Gmol, <i>Grapholita molesta</i>, Cpom, <i>Cydia pomonella</i>, Dple, <i>Danaus plexippus</i>, Hvir, <i>Heliothis virescens</i>, Msex, <i>Manduca sexta</i>, Harm, <i>Helicoverpa armigera</i>, Aips, <i>Agrotis ipsilon</i>. The clade in blue indicates the GOBP1 gene clade; the clade in red indicates the GOBP2 clade, the clade in fuchsia indicates the PBPs clade, the yellow indicates other OBPs clade.</p