Comparison between deletion gene copy number measurements made by SMART-ddPCR and MLPA.
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<p>Copy number measurements were available from ddPCR and MLPA assays for SNPs at the two deletion genes <i>CDKN2A</i> (SNP rs3731249) and <i>IKZF1</i> (SNP rs4132601) in 27 and 75 tumor DNA samples respectively. (A) High correlation (R2 = 0.91) between the combined deletion gene copy number measurements made by ddPCR and MLPA. (B) Bland-Altman plot displaying the difference between measurements made in the same individual against their mean, as measured by two different methodologies (<i>i</i>.<i>e</i>. ddPCR and MLPA). There is very close agreement between the copy number measurements made by the two assays, as demonstrated by the narrow limits of agreement (-0.170 to 0.138) either side of the observed average agreement (-0.016).</p