Force profiles during directional switches.
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<p>Time-dependent estimation of (A) spring force and (B) PEF. Switch events from trajectories where the lead (LIDS, <i>n</i> = 1614; magenta) or trail (TIDS, <i>n</i> = 449; black) kinetochore switched first were aligned at their median switching time (the time origin is marked by vertical blue line). Solid lines indicate mean, dashed lines ±s.e.m.. Forces are given as velocities by rescaling by the viscosity coefficient. (C) Opposing force (spring + PEF) on lead sister during a LIDS (magenta) or TIDS (black) is plotted relative to the depolymerisation force <i>F</i><sub>−</sub>. Solid lines indicate mean, dashed lines 5% and 95% percentiles of the population. (D) Spring force heat map across switching events partitioned by difference between probability of LIDS (<i>p</i><sub>LIDS</sub>) or TIDS (<i>p</i><sub>TIDS</sub>). Events above zero on right <i>y</i>-axis are classified as LIDS; those below as TIDS.</p