Polymer Single Crystal As Magnetically Recoverable
Support for Nanocatalysts
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In this Letter, we report, for the first time, using polymer single
crystal as magnetically recoverable support for nanoparticle catalysts.
This catalyst system is composed of polymer single crystal, platinum
nanoparticles, and iron oxide nanoparticles, which act as support,
catalysts, and magnetic responsive materials, respectively. Platinum
nanoparticles and iron oxide nanoparticles were bonded onto thiol
groups and hydroxyl groups on a tailor-designed polymer single-crystal
surface. Because of its quasi 2D nature, polymer single crystal possesses
high surface area to volume ratio (2.5 × 10<sup>8</sup> m<sup>–1</sup>), which is ∼40 times higher than its nanosphere
counterpart of the same volume. This high surface to volume ratio
facilitates the high loading of both nanoparticles, which ensures
efficient catalytic reaction and reliable nanoparticle recycling.
Synergetic interactions between platinum and iron oxide nanoparticles
also led to further improvement in catalytic activity