Calcium, Strontium, and Protein Dynamics during the
S<sub>2</sub> to S<sub>3</sub> Transition in the Photosynthetic Oxygen-Evolving
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Photosystem II (PSII) catalyzes the
oxidation of water at a Mn<sub>4</sub>CaO<sub>5</sub> cluster. The
mechanism of water oxidation
requires four sequential photooxidation events and cycles the OEC
through the S<sub>0–4</sub> states. Oxygen is released during
a thermal transition from S<sub>4</sub> to S<sub>0</sub>, and S<sub>1</sub> is the dark stable state. Calcium is required for activity,
and, of substituted cations, only strontium supports activity but
at a lower steady-state rate. The S<sub>1</sub> to S<sub>2</sub> transition
corresponds to a Mn oxidation reaction. Previously, we used divalent
ion substitution to provide evidence that calcium activates water
and that an internal water cluster (W<sub>5</sub><sup>+</sup>) is
protonated during the S<sub>1</sub> to S<sub>2</sub> transition. For
the next transition, S<sub>2</sub> to S<sub>3</sub>, either a Mn or
a ligand oxidation event has been proposed. Here, we use strontium
reconstitution and reaction-induced FT-IR spectroscopy to study this
transition. We show that strontium substitution has a dramatic effect
on the infrared spectrum of the S<sub>2</sub> to S<sub>3</sub> transition,
reducing the intensity of all spectral bands in the mid-infrared region
(1600–1200 cm<sup>–1</sup>). However, the S<sub>3</sub> to S<sub>0</sub> and S<sub>0</sub> to S<sub>1</sub> spectra and
the flash dependence of W<sub>5</sub><sup>+</sup> decay are not significantly
altered in strontium PSII. The observed decrease in mid-infrared intensity
is consistent with inhibition of a protein reorganization event, which
may be associated with a strontium-induced change in S<sub>3</sub> charge distribution. These data provide evidence that strontium
replacement alters the S<sub>2</sub> to S<sub>3</sub> conformational