Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation by the Quadrupolar
Mechanism at the Nonpolar Benzene/Air Interface
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The interface selectivity of vibrational
sum frequency generation
(VSFG) spectroscopy is explained under the dipole approximation as
resulting from the breakdown of inversion symmetry at the interface.
From this viewpoint, VSFG is not expected to occur at the interface
consisting of centrosymmetric molecules, because the inversion symmetry
is preserved even at the interface. In reality, however, VSFG at the
nonpolar benzene/air interface has been observed with traditional
homodyne-detected VSFG. Here we report a heterodyne-detected VSFG
study of the benzene/air interface. The result strongly indicates
that VSFG at this interface cannot be explained within the framework
of the dipole approximation. The selection rule and polarization dependence
of the observed VSFG signal show that the quadrupole transition plays
an essential role because of the field discontinuity at the interface.
This finding implies the applicability of interface-selective VSFG
to the nonpolar interfaces comprising centrosymmetric molecules, which
opens a new possibility of VSFG spectroscopy