of the Third Oxidative Step in the Conversion
of Androgens to Estrogens by Cytochrome P450 19A1 Steroid Aromatase
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is the cytochrome P450 enzyme that cleaves the C10–C19
carbon–carbon bond of androgens to form estrogens, in a three-step
process. Compound I (FeO<sup>3+</sup>) and ferric peroxide (FeO<sub>2</sub><sup>–</sup>) have both been proposed in the literature
as the active iron species in the third step, yielding an estrogen
and formic acid. Incubation of purified aromatase with its 19-deutero-19-oxo
androgen substrate was performed in the presence of <sup>18</sup>O<sub>2</sub>, and the products were derivatized using a novel diazo reagent.
Analysis of the products by high-resolution mass spectrometry showed
a lack of <sup>18</sup>O incorporation in the product formic acid,
supporting only the Compound I pathway. Furthermore, a new androgen
19-carboxylic acid product was identified. The rates of nonenzymatic
hydration of the 19-oxo androgen and dehydration of the 19,19-<i>gem</i>-diol were shown to be catalytically competent. Thus,
the evidence supports Compound I and not ferric peroxide as the active
iron species in the third step of the steroid aromatase reaction