Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Quantum Dots/BiOBr Ultrathin
Nanosheets: In Situ Strong Coupling and Improved Molecular Oxygen
Activation Ability under Visible Light Irradiation
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nitrogen-doped carbon quantum dots (N-CQDs)/BiOBr ultrathin
nanosheets photocatalysts have been prepared via reactable ionic liquid
assisted solvothermal process. The one-step formation mechanism of
the N-CQDs/BiOBr ultrathin nanosheets was based on the initial formation
of strong coupling between the ionic liquid and N-CQDs as well as
subsequently result in tight junctions between N-CQDs and BiOBr with
homodisperse of N-CQDs. The photocatalytic activity of the as-prepared
photocatalysts was evaluated by the degradation of different pollutants
under visible light irradiation such as ciprofloxacin (CIP), rhodamine
B (RhB), tetracycline hydrochloride (TC), and bisphenol A (BPA). The
improved photocatalytic performance of N-CQDs/BiOBr materials was
ascribed to the crucial role of N-CQDs, which worked as photocenter
for light harvesting, charge separation center for separating the
charge carriers, and active center for degrading the pollutants. After
the modification of N-CQDs, the molecular oxygen activation ability
of N-CQDs/BiOBr materials was greatly enhanced. A possible photocatalytic
mechanism based on experimental results was proposed