Immunohistochemical labeling of normal oral mucosa (A,D,G), oral leukoplakia (B,E,H) and oral squamous cell carcinoma (G,H,I) for MMP9 (A,B,C), BGH3 (D,E,F) and PDIA3 (G,H,I).
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<p>Brown staining represents positive expression of proteins. MMP9 expression in stroma cells is low (A). Positive MMP9 cytoplasmic staining of basal cells in OLK (B). Strong nuclear and cytoplasmic MMP9 staining of OSCC (C). Negative BGH3 expression in NOM (D). Weak or moderate BGH3 staining of the basement membrane in OLK (E). Strong positive BGH3 expression in tumor basement membrane and extracellular skeletal stroma of OSCC (F). Negative PDIA3 staining in NOM (G). Moderate to strong PDIA3 staining in the cytoplasm and nucleus of OLK epithelium cells (H). High PDIA3 expression in the cytoplasm and cell membrane of OSCC (I).</p