Phylogenic tree for 119 PEDV strains and identified motifs.


<p>(A) Phylogenetic tree based on the genomes of 119 PEDV strains isolated in 2013–2014. Phylogenetic analysis was performed using a maximum-likelihood method with general time reversible nucleotide substitution model and with a bootstrap test using 1000 replicates in the MEGA6 program. Notations on the very left side represent the clades shown by Vlasova et al. (9). (B) The presence of sequence motifs in each strain. (C) Color chart of nucleotides in the sites having inconsistencies within the 119 PEDV strains. Nucleotides in agreement with the sequence of Indiana12.83/USA/2013 are colored with respect to the type of nucleotide (a: red, t: blue, c: green, and g: yellow). To increase the discriminability of motifs, nucleotides in sites with only one inconsistent strain were not colored.</p

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