A Constrained Tricyclic Nucleic Acid Analogue of α‑l‑LNA: Investigating the Effects of Dual Conformational
Restriction on Duplex Thermal Stability
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A constrained tricyclic analogue
of α-l-LNA (<b>2</b>), which contains dual modes
of conformational restriction
about the ribose sugar moiety, has been synthesized and characterized
by X-ray crystallography. Thermal denaturation experiments of oligonucleotide
sequences containing this tricyclic α-l-LNA analogue
(α-l-TriNA 2, <b>5</b>) indicate that this modification
is moderately stabilizing when paired with complementary DNA and RNA,
but less stabilizing than both α-l-LNA (<b>2</b>) and α-l-TriNA 1 (<b>4</b>)