Nb–Nb Interactions
Define the Charge Density
Wave Structure of 2H-NbSe<sub>2</sub>
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2H-NbSe<sub>2</sub> is a canonical Charge-Density-Wave
(CDW) layered
material the structural details of which remained elusive. We report
the detailed structure of 2H-NbSe<sub>2</sub> below the CDW transition
using a (3 + 2)-dimensional crystallographic approach on single crystal
X-ray diffraction data collected at 15 K. Intensities of main reflections
as well as CDW satellites of first order were measured. Quantitative
information about the magnitude of the structural distortions and
clustering of Nb atoms were extracted from the refined model. The
Nb–Nb distances were found to distort between 3.4102(8) and
3.4928(8) Å in the CDW phase from the average undistorted distance
of 3.4583(4) Å