Make Conjugation Simple:
A Facile Approach to Integrated
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We report a facile approach to the conjugation of protein-encapsulated
gold fluorescent nanoclusters to the iron oxide nanoparticles through
catechol reaction. This method eliminates the use of chemical linkers
and can be readily extended to the conjugation of biological molecules
and other nanomaterials onto nanoparticle surfaces. The key to the
success was producing water-soluble iron oxide nanoparticles with
active catechol groups. Further, advanced electron microscopy analysis
of the integrated gold nanoclusters and iron oxide nanoparticles provided
direct evidence of the presence of a single fluorescent nanocluster
per protein template. Interestingly, the integrated nanoparticles
exhibited enhanced fluorescent emission in biological media. These
studies will provide significantly practical value in chemical conjugation,
the development of multifunctional nanostructures, and exploration
of multifunctional nanoparticles for biological applications