Gene expression analyses.
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<p>The 20 most up- or down-regulated genes in the FFPE data set with corresponding RNAlater<sup>®</sup> values (upper panel), and the 20 most up- or down regulated genes in the RNAlater<sup>®</sup> dataset with corresponding FFPE values (lower panel), filtered by adjusted p-value≤0.05. Rank indicates the rank of the gene within the list of differentially genes sorted by largest to smallest absolute fold change. 14 genes are shared between the two lists. <i>TU</i>: <i>tumour</i>, <i>NO</i>: <i>normal</i>, <i>FC</i>: <i>fold change</i>, <i>ND</i>: <i>not detected</i>, <i>did not pass the expression filter</i>.</p