Schematics of LC molecules (A) in small molecular LC (SMALL, B), main-chain polymers (MCLCP, C) and side-chain polymers (SCLCP, D).
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<p>Ellipsoids are mesogens, spheres are backbone connectors in SCLCP and the springs demonstrate harmonic interactions. <i>θ</i> is the angle between the major axis of the two adjacent GB mesogens (<b>u</b><sub><i>i</i></sub>, <b>u</b><sub><i>j</i></sub>) for MCLCP (C), while it is the angle between the major axis of the GB mesogen (<b>u</b><sub><i>i</i></sub>) and the vector from the center of the GB mesogens to the adjacent LJ beads on backbone (<b>r</b><sub><i>ij</i></sub>) for SCLCP (D). The site-site vector <b>S</b><sub><i>ij</i></sub> connects the two adjacent GB/GB sites or GB/LJ sites placed in terminal position for MCLCP and SCLCP, respectively.</p