Polymeric Micelles with Uniform Surface Properties
and Tunable Size and Charge: Positive Charges Improve Tumor Accumulation
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The influence of surface charge on
biodistribution and tumor accumulation
remains debatable because most research has been carried out by changing
the surface functional groups of nanocarriers. In this work, to avoid
the interference of different surface properties such as chemical
composition and hydrophilicity, polymeric micelles with uniform PEG
coatings and continuously tunable sizes or zeta potentials were developed
via a facile route. Therefore, the influence of surface charge on
the biological functions of micelles with the same size and surface
properties could be well-explored. In this case, positive charge was
found to enhance both tumor cellular uptake and tumor accumulation.
Immunofluorescence staining indicated that the improved tumor accumulation
was mainly due to the tumor vasculature targeting of positively charged
micelles. It is predicted that efficient drug delivery systems for
both tumor vasculature and cancer cell targeting can be realized based
on positively charged micelles