The S289 mutation affected the function but not localization of FgPrp4.
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<p>(<b>A).</b> Western blots of total proteins isolated from the wild type (PH-1) and the <i>FgPRP4</i>-3xFLAG transformant were detected with an anti-3xFLAG antibody. (<b>B).</b> 12 h germlings of the <i>Fgprp4/FgPRP4</i><sup>S289A</sup> transformant FPA2 were examined by DIC and epifluorescence microscopy. Bar = 20 μm. <b>(C).</b> Three-day old PDA cultures of the <i>Fgprp4</i> mutant (FP1), complemented transformant (FPN1), and <i>Fgprp4/FgPRP4</i><sup>S289A</sup> transformant (FPA2).</p