Inter-Regional Carbon Flows: A Hybrid Network
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mitigation of anthropogenic carbon emissions has moved beyond
the local scale because they diffuse across boundaries, and the consumption
that triggers emissions has become regional and global. A precondition
of effective mitigation is to explicitly assess inter-regional transfer
of emissions. This study presents a hybrid network model to track
inter-regional carbon flows by combining network analysis and input–output
analysis. The direct, embodied, and controlled emissions associated
with regions are quantified for assessing various types of carbon
flow. The network-oriented metrics called “controlled emissions”
is proposed to cover the amount of carbon emissions that can be mitigated
within a region by adjusting its consumption. The case study of the
Jing–Jin–Ji Area suggests that CO<sub>2</sub> emissions
embodied in products are only partially controlled by a region from
a network perspective. Controlled carbon accounted for about 70% of
the total embodied carbon flows, while household consumption only
controlled about 25% of Beijing’s emissions, much lower than
its proportion of total embodied carbon. In addition to quantifying
emissions, the model can pinpoint the dominant processes and sectors
of emissions transfer across regions. This technique is promising
for searching efficient pathways of coordinated emissions control
across various regions connected by trade