Angle-Based Multiblock Independent Component Analysis
Method with a New Block Dissimilarity Statistic for Non-Gaussian Process
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recent years, the multiblock method has attracted substantial
attention. Conventional multiblock methods divide an entire data set
into several blocks, and the monitoring in each block is conducted
separately. The multiblock method highlights local information but
ignores the information among different blocks. In this paper, we
propose an angle-based multiblock independent component analysis (MBICA)
method and create a new block dissimilarity (BD) statistic to measure
the changes between blocks. Hierarchical clustering is adopted to
cluster variables with small angles into a block. ICA models are then
built into each block. Support vector data description (SVDD) is introduced
to yield a final monitoring decision. The changes of blocks are determined
by the differences between the angles of the monitored data and the
benchmark data, leading to BD statistics. The proposed MBICA-BD method
is applied to the Tennessee Eastman process. The simulation results
demonstrate the superiority of the MBICA-BD method