Energy-Level Alignment at the Interface of Graphene
Fluoride and Boron Nitride
Monolayers: An Investigation by Many-Body Perturbation Theory
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Energy-level alignment at interfaces
is important for understanding
and optimizing optoelectronic and photocatalytic properties. In this
work, we study the level alignment at the interface between graphene
fluoride and boron nitride monolayers. These two-dimensional (2D)
semiconductors are representative wide-bandgap components for van
der Waals (vdW) heterostructures. We perform a systematic study on
the structural and electronic properties of their interface, by using
density functional theory and the <i>G</i><sub>0</sub><i>W</i><sub>0</sub> method of many-body perturbation theory. We
adopt this interface as a prototypical system to investigate the impact
of polarization effects on band gap and level alignment. We find a
small but still notable polarization-induced reduction of the materials’
band gap by 250 meV that we interpret and analyze in terms of an image-potential
model. Such effects stem from nonlocal correlations between electrons
and cannot be captured by semilocal or standard hybrid density functionals.
Our work provides a lower limit of band-gap renormalization in 2D
systems caused by polarization effects, and demonstrates the importance
of many-body perturbation theory for a reliable prediction of energy-level
alignment in 2D vdW heterojunctions