Additional file 1: of Global, cancer-specific microRNA cluster hypomethylation was functionally associated with the development of non-B non-C hepatocellular carcinoma
Table S1. A general linear model for average methylation change attributed to genomic annotations of the probes. Table S2. A linear mixed model for miRNA expression change between tumor and background tissues attributed to their methylation change stratified by distance from CpG island and transcription start site. Table S3. Summary for methylation and expression of miRNA clusters. (Expression difference was z-transformed after obtaining log-ratio between background and tumor tissues. Thus, it was not equal to simple subtraction of background from tumor). Table S4. A linear mixed model for miRNA cluster expression (average within each cluster) change attributed to average cluster methylation change. Table S5. A linear mixed model for expression change of general protein-coding genes between tumor and background tissues attributed to their methylation change stratified by distance from CpG island and transcription start site. Table S6. A linear mixed model for target gene expression change between tumor and background tissues attributed to corresponding miRNA methylation change. (DOC 252 kb