Localization of Excess Temperature Using Plasmonic
Hot Spots in Metal Nanostructures: Combining Nano-Optical Antennas
with the Fano Effect
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is challenging to strongly localize temperature in small volumes
because heat transfer is a diffusive process. Here we show how to
overcome this limitation using electrodynamic hot spots and interference
effects in the regime of continuous-wave (CW) excitation. We introduce
a set of figures of merit for the localization of excess temperature
and for the efficiency of the plasmonic photothermal effect. Our calculations
show that the local temperature distribution in a trimer nanoparticle
assembly is a complex function of the geometry and sizes. Large nanoparticles
in the trimer play the role of the nano-optical antenna, whereas the
small nanoparticle in the plasmonic hot spot acts as a nanoheater.
Under the specific conditions, the temperature increase inside a nanoparticle
trimer can be localized in a hot spot region at the small heater nanoparticle
and, in this way, a thermal hot spot can be realized. However, the
overall power efficiency of local heating in this trimer is much smaller
than that of a single nanoparticle. We can overcome the latter disadvantage
by using a trimer with a nanorod. In the trimer assembly composed
of a nanorod and two spherical nanoparticles, we observe a strong
plasmonic Fano effect that leads to the concentration of optical energy
in the small heater nanorod. Therefore, the power efficiency of generation
of local excess temperature in the nanorod-based assembly greatly
increases due to the strong plasmonic Fano effect. The Fano heater
incorporating a small nanorod in the hot spot has obviously the best
performance compared to both single nanocrystals and a nanoparticle
trimer. The principles of heat localization described here can be
potentially used for thermal photocatalysis, energy conversion and
biorelated applications