Deactivation of Rac1 activity rescues CD44 knockdown and hyaluronidase-induced morphological changes of astrocytes.


<p>A: Representative images of astrocytes transfected with CD44shRNA/pSuper or co-transfected with pcDNA3-EGFP-Rac1-T17N (Rac1-DN) constructs. The β-actin-RFP construct was used for cell visualization. Scale: 20 μm. B: Morphometric analysis of shape-describing parameters of cells treated as in A. One way ANOVA, area: F(3.112) = 2.456, p>0,05, solidity: F(3.114) = 30.173, p<0.001 Sidak post hoc test, circularity: F(3.114) = 13.834, p<0.001, branching: F(3.114) = 51, 825, p<0,001. Dunnett’s C post hoc test. C: Representative images of astrocytes transfected with pcDNA3-EGFP-Rac1-T17N (Rac1-DN) and β-actin-RFP constructs and treated with hyaluronidase. Scale: 20 μm. D: Morphometric analysis of shape-describing parameters of cells treated as in C. One way ANOVA, area: F(2.147) = 1.520, p>0.05, solidity: F(2.147) = 106.292, p<0.001, circularity: F(2.147) = 96.843, p<0.001, branching: F(2.147) = 135.932; p<0,001, Dunnett’s C post hoc tests.</p

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