Highly Efficient CO<sub>2</sub> Capture to a New-Style
CO<sub>2</sub>‑Storage Material
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A highly effective and economically
feasible system for capturing
CO<sub>2</sub> was developed from 1,2-ethanediamine (EDA) + polyethylene
glycol 300 (PEG), in which CO<sub>2</sub> was activated and directly
transformed to a novel solid CO<sub>2</sub> storage material (CO<sub>2</sub>SM) under mild conditions. The essence of CO<sub>2</sub>SM
is alkylcarbonate salt, and the potential applications of CO<sub>2</sub>SM would take advantage of elemental nitrogen to boost the growth
of plants.. In addition, the EDA + PEG aqueous solution could be recycled
multiple times without significant loss in its ability to capture
and release CO<sub>2</sub>. Thus, the process offered an alternative
way for comprehensive utilization of CO<sub>2</sub> and potentially
enables the CO<sub>2</sub> conversion to a value-added chemical