Local matching search results of different methods including the nearest neighbor (NN) method, 1-PP (BBP), 2-PP, 4-PP and 6-PP method.
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<p>(a) and (b) show the average matching numbers when the initial location of landmarks are rotated 5 degrees and randomly perturbed by Gaussian noise <i>N</i>(15, 10), and rotated 10 degrees and randomly perturbed by Gaussian noise <i>N</i>(10, 10), respectively. (c) and (d) are the cumulative RMSE curves with corresponding initial locations of (a) and (b). The x-axis denotes the RMSE threshold and y-axis denotes the percentage of test images which are less than each threshold. The solid curves are the K-PP results without weight or the weights are equal to 1. The dashed curves are the K-PP results with weights.</p