<i>GAK</i> exons significantly associated to case status primarily encode for the clathrin-binding and J domains of <i>GAK</i> protein.
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<p><i>GAK</i> exon 25 (<i>GAK25)</i>, which was found to be associated to both case status and the risk SNP, is highlighted in magenta (under Gene), while <i>GAK</i> exons associated with case status only are highlighted in blue. All Gencode transcripts are shown below the gene structure, with transcript functionality listed below each contig. <i>GAK25</i> represents the 5’UTR of Gencode transcript 009 (Boxed in red). The <i>GAK</i> protein domains (under Protein) are denoted by color: J domain (green), clathrin-binding domain (yellow), phosphatase/tensin domain (blue), and kinase domain (red). Transcript data from <a href="http://www.ensembl.org/" target="_blank">http://www.ensembl.org</a>.</p