Hybrid Electronic Devices from Layered
PtSe<sub>2</sub> Films Grown at Low Temperature
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two-dimensional (2D) materials display great potential
for a range of applications, particularly in electronics. We report
the large-scale synthesis of thin films of platinum diselenide (PtSe<sub>2</sub>), a thus far scarcely investigated transition metal dichalcogenide.
Importantly, the synthesis by thermally assisted conversion is performed
at 400 °C, representing a breakthrough for the direct integration
of this material with silicon (Si) technology. Besides the thorough
characterization of this 2D material, we demonstrate its promise for
applications in high-performance gas sensing with extremely short
response and recovery times observed due to the 2D nature of the films.
Furthermore, we realized vertically stacked heterostructures of PtSe<sub>2</sub> on Si which act as both photodiodes and photovoltaic cells.
Thus, this study establishes PtSe<sub>2</sub> as a potential candidate
for next-generation sensors and (opto-)electronic devices, using fabrication
protocols compatible with established Si technologies