Spin Crossover in the {Fe(pz)[Pt(CN)<sub>4</sub>]} Metal–Organic Framework upon Pyrazine Adsorption


The spin-crossover behavior of the {Fe­(pz)­[Pt­(CN)<sub>4</sub>]} metal–organic framework (MOF) upon pyrazine adsorption is investigated through hybrid Monte Carlo/molecular dynamics (MC/MD) simulations. In contrast to previous theoretical studies, which reported a transition temperature of ∼140 K, the present MC/MD simulations predict that the high-spin state is the most stable state at all temperatures, in agreement with the experimental observations. The MC/MD simulations also indicate that the pyrazine molecules adsorbed in the MOF pores lie nearly parallel but staggered by 60° relative to the pyrazine ligands of the framework. The analysis of the magnetization curve as a function of the temperature demonstrates that the staggered configuration assumed by the guest pyrazine molecules within the framework is responsible for the stabilization of the high-spin state. Both the guest pyrazine molecules and the pyrazine ligands of the framework are effectively locked into the minimum-energy configuration and do not display any rotational mobility

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