Additional novel isoforms discovered or validated via the PacBio SMRT sequence data.


<p>Part (a) displays the gene annotation, including the TPR domains (purple) and all alternative splice sites initially discovered by the Illumina RNA-Seq data. Part (b) displays all possible isoforms based on combinations of the major sub-variants plus an extra intron retention between exons 8 and 9b. Part (c) displays the subset of the 624 isoforms that involve one or more “minor” sub-variants (see <a href="" target="_blank">Fig 3</a>) that had one or more “perfect” matches in the PacBio SMRT data. Novel features are displayed in pink, and the widened region in each transcript denotes the largest open reading frame (ORF). The data tables on the right side of parts (b) and (c) display the number of full-length ROI from the SMRT sequencing that were found to match each isoform. The first column indicates perfect base-for-base, full-length matches, and the second column lists the total number of matches, including alignment matches in which the RNA-STAR aligner maps the ROI to the isoform. For a complete listing of all possible combinations of all known splice variations see the online supporting information. See <a href="" target="_blank">S2 Dataset</a> for more information on these and all other theoretical isoforms.</p

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