JunctionSeq gene profile plot for Ttc8 gene, sham night/day experiment.
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<p>This plot displays the estimates for the mean normalized read-pair coverage count for each exon and splice junction. The small plotting panel on the far right displays the total mean normalized read-pair count for the gene as a whole. The gene diagram below the main plotting frame displays the exonic regions (boxes, labelled E001-E018), known splice junctions (solid lines, labelled J019-J034) and novel splice junctions (dashed lines, labelled N035-N051). Significant features are drawn in pink, and features that did not pass the automatically-selected minimum count threshold were colored in light grey (and were not plotted). Beneath the gene diagram, the genomic positions are marked with ticks at each kilobase. Note that the scale is not uniform due to the nonlinear expansion of small features to improve readability. Beneath the scale the two Ensembl known isoforms are drawn. The upper isoform is the RefSeq transcript.</p