Nanoporous Crystalline Templates from Double-Crystalline
Block Copolymers by Control of Interactive Confinement
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Single, double, and coincident crystallizations
under hard or soft
confinement are all carried out using a single type of syndiotactic
poly(<i>p</i>-methylstyrene)-<i>block</i>-poly(l-lactide) (<i>s</i>PPMS–PLLA) block
copolymers. The single crystallization of <i>s</i>PPMS matrix
can lead to the disordered arrangement of hexagonally packed PLLA
cylinders under soft confinement. In contrast, the lamellar nanostructure
remained unchanged regardless of the PLLA crystallization under hard
or soft confinement. Crystallization-induced morphological transitions
from the confined monosized lamella to the metastable dual-sized lamella
and finally to the breakout morphology are evident by transmission
electron microscopy and small-angle X-ray scattering. The dual-sized
lamella is attributed to the thermodynamically and kinetically controlled
nanocrystallite growth templating along the ordered microphase separation.
Despite crystalline sequences, the double-crystallized morphologies
are determined by the first-crystallized event even though the subsequent
crystallization temperature is performed under soft confinement. By
the control of interactive confinement, ordered crystalline nanosheets
and cylindrical monoliths are obtained, providing a novel means for
the fabrication of nanoporous crystalline templates