
A note on a conjecture concerning tree-partitioning 3-regular graphs


If G is a 4-connected maximal planar graph, then G is hamiltonian (by a theorem\ud of Whitney), implying that its dual graph G� is a cyclically 4-edge connected 3-\ud regular planar graph admitting a partition of the vertex set into two parts, each\ud inducing a tree in G�, a so-called tree-partition. It is a natural question whether\ud each cyclically 4-edge connected 3-regular graph admits such a tree-partition.\ud This was conjectured by Jaeger, and recently independently by the �rst author.\ud The main result of this note shows that each connected 3-regular graph on n\ud vertices admits a partition of the vertex set into two sets such that precisely\ud 12\ud n+2 edges have end vertices in each set. This is a necessary condition for having\ud a tree-partition. We also show that not all cyclically 3-edge connected 3-regular\ud (planar) graphs admit a tree-partition, and present the smallest counterexample

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