Epoxy resins have achieved acceptance as adhesives, coatings, and potting compounds,
but their main application is as matrix to produce reinforced composites.
However, their usefulness in this field still limited due to their brittle nature. Some
studies have been done to increase the toughness of epoxy composites, of which the
most successful one is the modification of the polymer matrix with a second toughening
Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) is one of the most important technologies to manufacture
fiber reinforced composites. In the last decade it has experimented new impulse,
due to its favorable application to produce large surface composites with good technical
properties and at relative low cost.
This research work focuses on the development of novel modified epoxy matrices,
with enhanced mechanical and thermal properties, suitable to be processed by resin
transfer molding technology, to manufacture Glass Fiber Reinforced Composites
(GFRC’s) with improved performance in comparison to the commercially available
In the first stage of the project, a neat epoxy resin (EP) was modified using two different
nano-sized ceramics: silicium dioxide (SiO2) and zirconium dioxide (ZrO2); and
micro-sized particles of silicone rubber (SR) as second filler. Series of nanocomposites
and hybrid modified epoxy resins were obtained by systematic variation of filler
contents. The rheology and curing process of the modified epoxy resins were determined
in order to define their aptness to be processed by RTM. The resulting matrices
were extensively characterized qualitatively and quantitatively to precise the effect
of each filler on the polymer properties.
It was shown that the nanoparticles confer better mechanical properties to the epoxy
resin, including modulus and toughness. It was possible to improve simultaneously
the tensile modulus and toughness of the epoxy matrix in more than 30 % and 50 %
respectively, only by using 8 vol.-% nano-SiO2 as filler. A similar performance was
obtained by nanocomposites containing zirconia. The epoxy matrix modified with 8 vol.-% ZrO2 recorded tensile modulus and toughness improved up to 36% and 45%
respectively regarding EP.
On the other hand, the addition of silicone rubber to EP and nanocomposites results
in a superior toughness but has a slightly negative effect on modulus and strength.
The addition of 3 vol.-% SR to the neat epoxy and nanocomposites increases their
toughness between 1.5 and 2.5 fold; but implies also a reduction in their tensile modulus
and strength in range 5-10%. Therefore, when the right proportion of nanoceramic
and rubber were added to the epoxy resin, hybrid epoxy matrices with fracture
toughness 3 fold higher than EP but also with up to 20% improved modulus were
Widespread investigations were carried out to define the structural mechanisms responsible
for these improvements. It was stated, that each type of filler induces specific
energy dissipating mechanisms during the mechanical loading and fracture
processes, which are closely related to their nature, morphology and of course to
their bonding with the epoxy matrix. When both nanoceramic and silicone rubber are
involved in the epoxy formulation, a superposition of their corresponding energy release
mechanisms is generated, which provides the matrix with an unusual properties
From the modified matrices glass fiber reinforced RTM-plates were produced. The
structure of the obtained composites was microscopically analyzed to determine their
impregnation quality. In all cases composites with no structural defects (i.e. voids,
delaminations) and good superficial finish were reached. The composites were also
properly characterized. As expected the final performance of the GFRCs is strongly
determined by the matrix properties. Thus, the enhancement reached by epoxy matrices
is translated into better GFRC´s macroscopical properties. Composites with up
to 15% enhanced strength and toughness improved up to 50%, were obtained from
the modified epoxy matrices