Synthesis and Optical Properties of ZnS:Mn<sup>2+</sup>/ZnS/ZnS:Cu<sup>2+</sup>/ZnS Core/Multishell Quantum Dots
toward Efficient White Light Emission
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ability to control dopants and defects, as well as the core/shell
structures, of quantum dots (QDs) is an essential nanotechnology to
modify and optimize their photoluminescence properties. Herein, the
optimized ZnS:Mn<sup>2+</sup>/ZnS/ZnS:Cu<sup>2+</sup>/ZnS core/multishell
QDs have been prepared, and their luminescence properties depending
on the ratios of the starting materials and the injection temperature
of an extra sulfur source were discussed; finally the white light
can be possibly obtained by mixing the blue light (emission peak at
450 nm originating from Cu<sup>2+</sup> dopants or emission peaks
at 405 and 430 nm corresponding to a defect emission center) and orange
light (emission peak at 585 nm from Mn<sup>2+</sup> dopants). As a
controlled synthesis comparison, the optimum core/shell structures
and key synthesis parameters have been determined, and the quantum
yield (QY) of the as-obtained ZnS:Mn<sup>2+</sup>/ZnS/ZnS:Cu<sup>2+</sup>/ZnS core/multishell white light emitting QDs without defect emission
was determined to be 38%. The practical white light device prototype
has been also fabricated and the CIE color coordinate of (0.32, 0.34)
with a warm white light has been realized upon the excitation of the
commercial 370 nm UV LED chip, which demonstrated potential application
for micro/nano optical functional devices