Synthesis of Macrocyclic Ketones through Catalyst-Free
Electrophilic Halogen-Mediated Semipinacol Rearrangement: Application
to the Total Synthesis of (±)-Muscone
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A series
of macrocycles were successfully prepared using electrophilic
halogen-mediated semipinacol rearrangement under mild conditions.
Although the expansion from small ring to medium ring is an energetically
unfavorable process, the electrophilic halogenation was found to be
powerful enough to override such an energy barrier. The rearranged
products could further undergo Dowd–Beckwith rearrangement
to give the corresponding one-carbon ring-expanded ketones. This approach
has been applied to the total synthesis of the natural product (±)-muscone,
which is widely used in modern perfumery and medicines, in a two-step