Upper airway measurements.
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<p>Relevant 2D points and 10 items related to the midsagittal plane (A):ANS; PNS; ut; P; TT; E; MxPl; 1 Nasopas; 2 Velo Pasmin; 3 Oropas; 4 Hypopas; 5 SP position; 6 PNS-P; 7 SP thickness; 8 Ton length; 9 Ton height; 10 Ton position [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0173142#pone.0173142.ref006" target="_blank">6</a>]. Relevant 3D points and 4 items related to volume (B):AH: the most anterosuperior point of the hyoid bone; MP: the plane passing Me, Go and Go’; VP: the plane crossing the anterior border of C3 and C4 and paralleling its long axis C3 and C4; AH-MP: the distance between AH and MP; AH(Z): the distance between AH and VP; Pasmin area: the smallest area of the cross section of the upper airway; Airway volume: the volume of upper airway between the Nasopas line and Hypopas line.</p