The characteristics of the first X residue in the consensus peptide of several β-catenin binding proteins regulate their interactions with β-catenin.
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<p><b>A</b>. Zoom is made on the first conserved Aspartate residue of the consensus peptide and its adjacent non conserved residues (shown as sticks) in ICAT, LEF1, TCF4, APC and E-cadherin (yellow ribbons) and the facing β-catenin Arm repeats 8 and 9 (purple cylinders). The first X residue of the consensus is encircled because residue numbering diverges between various β-catenin regulators, although they are facing the same β-catenin residues forming a basic patch. Hydrogen bonds between basic β-catenin residues and their counterpart in β-catenin regulators are presented as black dotted lines. In ICAT, V67 does not establish any hydrogen bond, whereas in LEF1 and TCF4/TCF7L2, E20 and E17, respectively make an H-bond with the facing β-catenin K508. In APC and E-cadherin, T1487 and S675 respectively form hydrogen bonds with the facing β-catenin R469. The color scheme of stick residues based on their characteristics is the same as in <a href="" target="_blank">Fig 1</a>. PDB codes: ICAT (1luj), LEF1 (3ouw), TCF3/TCF7L1 (1g3j), TCF4/TCF7L2 (1jdh), APC (1t08) and E-cadherin (1i7w).</p