'Faculty of Agriculture, Sebelas Maret University'
The objective of this research is to stipulate the profile and learning outcome of the graduates of the Study Program of Accounting Education, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University. It is intended to help the Indonesian government to prepare the qualified teacher of Accounting subject matter according to the perceptions of alumni, lecturers, stakeholders, profession associations, and decision makers.The data sources of research were 96 students, 248 alumni, 15 lecturers, 15 stakeholders, Association of Accounting Educator Profession of Indonesia, and Chief of the Study Program of Accounting Education, Sebelas Maret University. The data of research were collected through observation, documentation, and FGD. They were analyzed by using the qualitative approach.The results of research show that (1) the profile of the graduates of the Study Program of Accounting Education includes the prospective teachers of Accounting subject matter for Vocational High Schools and Senior Secondary Schools who major in Introduction to Accounting and Finance, Number Processing/Spreadsheet, Banking, Accounting of Service and Trading Company, Financial Accounting, Accounting Computer, Accounting of Manufacturing Company, and Tax Administration; prospective Accounting instructors at non-formal education programs;; edupreneurs in the field of accounting and finance; junior researchers in the field of accounting and finance; and assistant accountants, and (2) the learning outcome expected includes attitude, knowledge, general and special skills, characters, and transferable soft skills which are relevant with the demands of the general public