MycoBank: an online initiative to launch mycology into the 21st century


An on-line database, MycoBank (, is launched with a remit to document mycological nomenclatural novelties and their associated descriptions and illustrations. The nomenclatural novelties will each be allocated a unique accession number that can be cited in the publication where the nomenclatural novelty is introduced. These accession numbers will also be incorporated into Life Science Identifiers (LSIDs) ( developerworks/oss/lsid) allocated by the nomenclatural database Index Fungorum (, with which MycoBank is associated. Nomenclatural experts will be available to check the validity, legitimacy and linguistic correctness of the proposed names; nomenclatural errors will thus be detected before publication but no censorship (either nomenclatural or taxonomic) will be exerted by MycoBank. MycoBank will (when applicable) provide onward links to other databases containing, for example, living cultures, DNA data, reference specimens and pleomorphic names linked to the same holomorph. Names will remain strictly confidential until after publication, when they will be accessible both in MycoBank, Index Fungorum, GBIF and other international biodiversity initiatives, where they will further be linked to other databases to realise a species bank that eventually links all databases of life. Authors intending to publish nomenclatural novelties are encouraged to contribute to this new initiative

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