AF113014 up-regulated Egr2 expression by interacting with miR-20a.
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<p>(A) Software predicted the binding sites between AF113014, miRNA-20a and Egr2-3'UTR. (B) Relative expressions of miRNA-20a in Ad-AF113014 or siAF113014 transfected SMMC7721 cells. U6 RNA was used as control. (C) Luciferase activity assay was performed to determine the relationship between AF113014, miRNA-20a and Egr2 in SMMC7721 cells.* P < 0.05, ** P<0.01. (D) qRT-PCR were performed to analyze the expressions of Egr2 after co-transfected with Ad-AF113014 and miRNA-20a, Ad-AF113014 and miRNA-20a-in, siAF113014 and miRNA-20a, siAF113014 and miRNA-20a-in, respectively. Ad-GFP+NC was used as control. (E) Western blot were performed to analyze the expressions of Egr2 after co-transfected with Ad-AF113014 and miRNA-20a, Ad-AF113014 and miRNA-20a-in, siAF113014 and miRNA-20a, siAF113014 and miRNA-20a-in, respectively. Ad-GFP+NC was used as control.</p