miR-145 directly targets grnA as determined by luciferase assay.


<p>The predicted miR-145 target site on GrnA CDS is illustrated. WT and mutant forms of <i>GrnA</i> CDS were constructed in <i>psi-check2</i> reporter vector (A). miR-145 mimic and <i>psi</i>-grna-WT/<i>psi</i>-grna-mutant vector were co-transfected into ZFL cells for the luciferase assay. The luciferase activity of <i>psi</i>-grna-WT was suppressed approximately 45% in response to miR-145 mimic treatment. In contrast, the luciferase activity of <i>psi</i>-grna-mutant was unchanged in response to miR-145 mimic treatment (*P < 0.05, t-test) (B). Three independent replicates were performed.</p

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