<p>Coverage between circRNA detection methods on <b>(a)</b> HeLa and <b>(b)</b> Hs68 RNase R–treated data. For a pair of methods (i, j), the number of candidates detected by each method and the common candidates between them are calculated, then the proportion of common candidates for each method can be further computed and depicted. Cells within the same column reflect proportions of candidates detected by a specific method (column name) covered by other methods (row names) while cells within the same row show the proportions of candidates detected by other methods (column names) covered by a specific method (row name). CE, CIRCexplorer; CF, circRNA_finder; circRNA, circular RNA; FC, find_circ; MS, MapSplice; SG, Segemehl; NCLS, NCLScan; PF, PTESFinder; RNase R, exonuclease that digests linear RNAs but preserves circRNAs; UB, UROBORUS.</p